Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 10 EOC: Business Mission Statement

Rock-It Vodka's mission is not just to masterfully handcraft and deliver  the most refreshing vodka of our generation.  From our water wells high in the Sierra Nevada's that capture our crisp, clean mountain spring and rain water, to our devotion to our organic wheat and rye mixture grown during the deepest cold of a Minnesota winter leaves our vodka with a highly distinct and unbiased flavor. We don't just want to bring people together,  but to create a worldwide culture of enjoyment and unity among our customers.Whether they love a smooth, sophisticated evening on the town, or a night of socializing and playing hard; we are the best of both worlds.  The only drink for whatever eccentric lifestyle you own.  Rock-It dares you to be your very best at whatever you do, no matter what you do! This is Your drink, your night, your party, your life; enjoy it however you want!

Our mission statement, as you read above, "begins with the following questions: What is our business? Who is the customer? What do consumers value? What should our business be? These simple-sounding questions were among the most difficult we will ever have to answer."(Marketing:An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg. 39).  When we started out, from where we were standing, there was nothing to really bring many people together.  We found that strange, as enjoying a drink is often to be a social occasion, why did there have to be such division in the world of enjoyment.  This seemed silly to us, so we began to plan how we could create such a delicious beverage that people from all different walks of life could get together and discuss the good, the bad, and the in-between of the world; more importantly to us though is that they could enjoy themselves while doing it.  So our brand Rock-It dares people to be their very best, no matter what it is that they're doing, and to challenge others to do the same!  "Customer-driven companies research current customers deeply to learn about their desires, gather new product and service ideas, and test proposed product improvements. Such customer-driven marketing usually works well when a clear need exists and when customers know what they want." (Marketing:An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg.11 ). And because we drive our customers to be their best, they expect nothing less from us as we strive to be THE new legendary name in our industry.

Rock-It Vodka Advertisement

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week 8 EOC: Creative Content

For my brand, Rock-It Vodka, I will be creating a thirty second audio commercial to promote my product.  Featuring some results from my out of class marketing research, I will be creating the 'sound of the Rock-It'.  My research asked a group of acquaintances what their favorite way to drink vodka was.  For a simple question, as expected I got a wide variety of answers that I think fit my brand, and the idea of my brand quite well.  Some answers I got run from the traditional, straight on the rocks, to with cranberry juice, and even 'out of a beer bong!'.  I was very pleased with all of the answers.  So I will be using some of the answers I gathered, and using my brands balance between classy and wild to create some content for the ad.  I will be using the program Pro Tools that I have at my disposal at home to capture the audio along with my high quality cardioid microphone. I will also write a short piece of music to go in the background of the commercial. Putting all of that together will help my brand be recognized for it unique ad campaign, and hopefuly a pretty good jingle too!  Radio listeners would hear my advertisement and their next thoughts would be of enjoying Rock-It vodka in their favorite way; imagining relaxation or partying the night away.  The music of the ad will be a mix of styles, overlapping between futuristic techno beats intertwined with the sounds of rock guitar.  The combination will hopefully elicit a desire for individuals who have a mixed personality, those movers and shakers in the world who are trendy and hip in more than one way.  Rock-It vodka delivers premuim taste along with class, just a little on the wild side!

Implementation Evaluation Control

Implementation is the pinnacle of everything that we have worked for at Rock-It Vodka. Each and every day we grow stronger in our beliefs as important links in the company chain.  A successful implementation into the market can assure that once we are out there, that we will be clearly visible in the marketplace, both to our target markets and to the curious consumers of other brands.  With the launch of our website and the first of the trucks off to deliver the first shipment to many stores across the country we must immediately begin to connect with customers and to drive our 'This is your _____. Rock-It' ad campaign on every social media outlet available.  We must show and be the first participants of the culture that we desire to create within our brand.  ". Brand equity is the differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product and its marketing. It’s a measure of the brand’s ability to capture consumer preference and loyalty." (Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg 228.). With our numbers set in place and our marketing team constantly watching the interactions going on within our website and throughout the internet will be one method of evaluation of our progress.  Along with that we will be watching closely our sales in these beginning stages to see if we need to increase production speed, without reducing quality even one percent.  We will also be keeping a close watch on our competitors to see what their reaction is to our introduction into the marketplace, as there is a lot of competition in the vodka world.  "If the new product satisfies the market, it will enter a growth stage, in which sales will start climbing quickly. The early adopters will continue to buy, and later buyers will start following their lead, especially if they hear favorable word of mouth." (Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg 260). Within the first weeks we shall be implementing controls on ousrelves in order to maintain our highest quality possible. If we overextend ourselves in the beginning it could be a detriment to the company in the long run.. As long as we hold our core values at heart Rock-It Vodka will be the next big name brand of vodka available to everyone in the world.

Marketing Mix: Distribution

Commercialization is a very important step for a new brand emerging onto the market.  Rock-It Vodka's goal is to have a very strong beginning, to make ourselves known within the industry.  Therefore, distribution, or the 'place' of the marketing mix is vital to the success of our brand in the future. In order to place ourselves correctly in the marketplace, we will have to use the proper marketing channels to make sure we are delivering our goods most conveniently with our positioning to create the highest customer value.
"We will try to forge a marketing channel (or distribution channel)—a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user."(Marketing:An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler pg. 311).  One channel we strongly hope to join with would be Whole Foods Market.  While they don't have a huge number of stores, the customers who shop there often do so because of the highest quality natural and organic foods available there.  Many people who shop there are directly within our target market of 21-35 year olds who are environmentally conscious and are aware of their impact on the world.  There they also allow alcohol tastings for adults of the legal drinking age, which would benefit our promotion.  Another channel would be large wholesale liquor outlets such as Lee's Discount Liquor and Total Wine and Spirits.  While these would be great for our coverage and availability, it would require a hefty inventory to to be able to supply them with enough product.  That is not to mention that we would be in direct competition with every other brand in the marketplace, which would truly give us a chance to shine as something different. On top of those channels we intend to communicate with music venues, clubs and bars throughout the country in order to make ourselves available to a larger audience. "Next, the company must decide where to launch the new product—in a single location, a region, the national market, or the international market. "(Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg.253). Currently Rock-It Vodka will release nationally within the US, and with growth and acceptance of the product we hope to move into Europe within the next year.  For launch we must be sure to have enough inventory to meet the demands of our consumers.  Working with our value delivery network we will assure fast delivery with little to no damage to the product.  A distribution plan on each coast and one in the mid-west should satisfy the demands of the customers.  We want to have 5 million units available for the day of launch with an additional 5 million ready by the next quarter.  This should be enough quantity for a launch, and we shall watch our sales closely to see if we must increase our production to continue to provide our high quality vodka at an affordable price, all year around.

Marketing Mix: Price

"Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service." (Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg 275). Rock-It Vodka understands that how we set our price will directly affect how well we do in the marketplace, especially in such a tight economy.  Understanding that price is not just what the customers are paying for, but actually the value of our product in their eyes.  Organic vodkas like our own range from an 18 dollar price tag and up to all the way up to 80 dollars. As a goal of our we are positioning ourselves as an affordable drink with the flavor of a very pricy vodka.  Our list price will be  starting at $29.99 for a 1.75 liter bottle of Rock-It Vodka.  This will enable us to fit into the wide range of mid-priced vodkas available and to offer something more to the customers that the other companies cannot. "Companies bringing out a new product face the challenge of setting prices for the first time. They can choose between two broad strategies: market-skimming pricing and market-penetration pricing."(Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg 285).  Our price will put us into the market-penetration method of pricing, and in order to create a culture of passionate people our company cannot overcharge customers wrongfully.  Once our product has released we plan to enact a 're-recycling' program for our unique bottles. Once a customer has finished their bottle they can ship it back to our address and we will, in return send them a voucher for five dollars off their next bottle, and this deal can continue every time the customer buys a bottle (even if the bottle breaks during shipping). This will create high customer value and also for our target market it will stimulate their urge to do good for the planet.

Marketing Mix: Promotion

At Rock-It Vodka we have a wonderful team of creative minds working on ways to turn our brand, in our customers eyes, from just something to drink, into a worldwide culture.  The first step for us to achieve these ends has already started. "Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Companies use marketing research in a wide variety of situations."(Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg 106). We have been doing test surveys in our market, ( hip 21-30 years of age, and another for ages 31-50) with the simple question of 'How do you enjoy your vodka?'. We couldn't have asked for better results, with every conceivable answer including some we never would have thought of, and these fit directly into our a little classy and a little wild brand image. This includes: vodka sour, on the rocks, bloody marys, screwdrivers, cranberry juice, straight out of the bottle and even...thats right, a beer bong! Getting our customer insight is very important to us, "Fresh understandings of customers and the marketplace derived from marketing information that become the basis for creating customer value and relationships."( Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong/Kotler pg. 102). Our next plan for promotion is to release our company website and our personal Rock-It Vodka creative website.  This will tie directly in with our, " This is your ______. How do you Rock-It?" media campaign.  This website will be a place for our dreams of creating a worldwide culture to begin. We encourage and dare our customers to be the best and what they do, and we want to have a place to share this with all of our customers worldwide.  Here, customers post original content to share with the rest of the Rock-It world.  From art, to videos, music, poetry, drink recipes, and more we encourage our customers to be themselves, nothing more, nothing less.  Our marketers will be working on our  social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace; these will be updated constantly with new content directly from our customers. Daily drink recipes, thoughts,and more will be shared through these channels to help influence our target market of millenials. "The Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world filled with computers, cellphones, satellite TV, iPods, and online social networks. A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web." ( Marketing: An Introduction Armstrong/Kotler. pg 74). The point of all these is to let our customers, and potential customers know that we care about them, and we truly care about a sense of community at our very core. On top of all of this will be our radio commercial ad, with the music for it written by Phrygian Cap (alias Danny Newcome).  By embracing the future of digital media, and our relationships with our customers, Rock-It Vodka is sure to succeed in creating a worldwide culture of fun and togetherness!